
Installing From Source

Installation from source requires several tools and external packages to be available as well as the building and installation of three Odin and Eiger specific software packages. This guide assumes the the installation is taking place on a CentOS 7 (or RHEL 7) operating system. The source can also be built for other operating systems; any operating system specific package installation commands should simply be replaced with the equivalent command for the chosen operating system.


The Odin and Eiger software requires standard C, C++ and python development tools to be present. The following libraries and tools are also required:

  • boost (add link)
  • cmake (add link)
  • log4cxx (add link)
  • ZeroMQ (add link)
  • pcap (add link)
  • Cython (add link)
  • Python Pip (add link)
  • Python Virtual Environment (add link)

All of the above packages can be installed from the default package manager Yum (add link) with the following commands:

yum install -y epel-release
yum groupinstall -y 'Development Tools'
yum install -y boost boost-devel
yum install -y cmake
yum install -y log4cxx-devel
yum install -y zeromq3-devel
yum install -y libpcap-devel
yum install -y python2-pip
yum install -y python-virtualenv
yum install -y Cython

For all remaining sections of this installation guide it is assumed that source files are going to be located in the directory:


and the installed files will be located in the directory:


File Writing Libraries

As well as the tools and libraries mentioned above there are two libraries required for the writing of data to disk and for compression of that data should it be required. The files are saved using the HDF5 file format and it is higly recommended to install from source a release of the HDF5 library which is at version 1.10.4 or greater:

cd /home/eiger/src
curl -L -O
tar -jxf hdf5-1.10.4.tar.bz2
mkdir -p /home/eiger/src/build-hdf5-1.10
cd /home/eiger/src/build-hdf5-1.10
/home/eiger/src/hdf5-1.10.4/configure --prefix=/home/eiger/prefix
make >> /home/eiger/src/hdf5build.log 2>&1
make install

Odin-Data supports writing compressed data files using the Blosc high performance compressor optimised for binary data. The Blosc compressor is supplied as an optional odin-data plugin and requires the Blosc compression library to be installed. The following instructions will install the Blosc library:

cd /home/eiger/src
curl -L -s -o c-blosc-1.14.2.tar.gz -O
tar -zxf c-blosc-1.14.2.tar.gz
mkdir -p /home/eiger/src/build-blosc
cd /home/eiger/src/build-blosc
cmake /home/eiger/src/c-blosc-1.14.2/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/eiger/prefix
make >> /home/eiger/src/bloscbuild.log 2>&1
make install

Installing Odin-Control

Section TBD

Installing Odin-Data

Section TBD

Installing Eiger-Detector

Section TBD

Installation Using Docker

Section TBD